KORIG CRANES's Belt and Road Story
Thaum Lub Kaum Ob Hlis 10, 2020, Weihua Group yeej qhov kev sib tw ntawm Tanzania project."Qhov project no hauv Tanzania yog qhov loj tshaj plaws hydropower project nyob rau hauv keeb kwm ntawm Africa, uas yog hosted los ntawm ib tug paub zoo txawv teb chaws tuam txhab EPC.Ntau lub tuam txhab crane los ntawm Tebchaws Europe thiab Tuam Tshoj tau koom nrog ...Nyeem ntxiv -
KORIG CRANES koom nrog cov khoom txawv teb chaws (2)
1.KORIG CRANES gantry Crane tau txais kev pabcuam hauv lub tuam txhab roj loj tshaj plaws hauv ntiaj teb - Aramco hauv kev sib kis thoob ntiaj teb hnyav, thauj khoom tawg, KORIG CRANES installation engineers kov yeej ntau yam teeb meem thiab kev taw qhia ntawm qhov chaw kom tiav kev teeb tsa thiab ua tiav ...Nyeem ntxiv -
KORIG CRANES koom nrog cov khoom txawv teb chaws
1.KORIG CRANES Crane yog siv nyob rau hauv Indonesia aluminium upgrading project.Qhov project no muaj tag nrho ntawm 11 KORIG CRANES cov khoom, suav nrog 4 insulated cranes, uas tsim nyog rau qhov hnyav ua hauj lwm ntawm electrolytic aluminium Rhiav.Nws yuav ua haujlwm rau Indonesian lub teb chaws txhuas electro ...Nyeem ntxiv -
KORIG CRANES Tshiab Suav Gantry Crane Exported rau Indonesia dua
Thaum sawv ntxov lub Plaub Hlis 21, 2022, plaub lub tsheb tshiab Suav gantry cranes ntawm KORIG CRANES tau tawm mus rau Indonesia los ua haujlwm rau kev tsim khoom thiab tsim cov phiaj xwm ntawm Indonesia Iron thiab Steel Group, rov pab kev tsim kho ntawm lub teb chaws raws "Siv thiab Txoj Kev. ”...Nyeem ntxiv -
320 tons Casting Crane tau raug xa tawm
Lub Plaub Hlis 16, 320 tons casting crane nrog plaub kab teeb thiab plaub txoj kab tau ua tiav tiav.Cov khoom no yog cov casting crane nrog lub tonnage loj tshaj plaws thiab qhov ntev tshaj plaws ntawm tib lub tonnage casting cranes uas KORIG CRANES tau tsim.Tam sim no, nws pab Tangshan Wenfeng ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Lifting Qhov siab 190m!KORIG CRANES High Lift Gantry Crane siv hauv kev tsim kho ncej
Tsis ntev los no, KORIG CRANES kev tshawb fawb ywj pheej thiab kev tsim kho thiab tsim khoom ntawm ob txoj kab ntsug kev tsim kho nrog 190m ultra-siab nqa gantry crane tau ua tiav qhov kev lees paub ntawm cov pov thawj, ua tiav ntawm 14th engineering bureau ntawm Tuam Tshoj Dej Resources thiab hydropower ...Nyeem ntxiv -
KORIG CRANES Ua tiav Kev Xa Khoom Loj Tshaj Plaws Hauv Tsev Offshore Cua Fais Fab Chaw nres nkoj
Tsis ntev los no, KORIG CRANES ntse xa 2,000 tons ntawm rail gantry crane nyob rau hauv Lufeng Ocean Engineering Base, lub tsev loj tshaj plaws hauv tsev chaw nres nkoj ntawm ntug dej hiav txwv cua zog, uas tsis tsuas yog refreshed Weihua lub super-loj khoom innovation thiab kev tshawb fawb thiab kev loj hlob lub zog nyob rau hauv offshore wi ...Nyeem ntxiv -
KORIG CRANES Portal Crane Peb Quarter Kub Muag Khoom Muag
Chaw nres nkoj raws li cov node ntawm thoob ntiaj teb kev thauj mus los network, railway raws li lub ntsiab hlab ntsha ntawm lub teb chaws kev khwv nyiaj txiag, tseem ceeb lub teb chaws infrastructure, ob qho tib si nyob rau hauv peb economic thiab kev loj hlob txoj hauj lwm thiab kev ua hauj lwm tseem ceeb heev.Hauv peb lub hlis twg, KORIG CRANES Chaw nres nkoj Machinery tau kos npe ...Nyeem ntxiv -
KORIG CRANES, Multi – Series Chaw nres nkoj tshuab Cov Khoom Siv Zog Tongzhou Bay Tshiab Qhov Chaw Tsim Kho
Lusi Chaw Nres Nkoj, qhov chaw tawm tshiab mus rau hiav txwv ntawm Tongzhou Bay hauv Nantong, Jiangsu Province, yog qhov tseem ceeb tshaj plaws los tsim lub rooj vag tshiab rau kev qhib "Belt and Road", lub hub tshiab ntawm cov dej hiav txwv ua ke. nyob rau hauv Yangtze River Economic Belt, thiab ib tug tshiab qauv ntawm high-zoo ...Nyeem ntxiv -
KORIG CRANES Muaj Centralized Export rau Kazakhstan
Thaum Lub Yim Hli 14, KORIG CRANES 180 tons metallurgical casting crane, 90 + 90 tons pub ib nrab gantry crane, 100 tons choj crane, thiab lwm yam, tag nrho ntawm xya cranes yuav mus rau Kazakhstan los pab pawg steel hauv Kazakhstan.Raws li FEM tus qauv tsim lub tswv yim, coj los ntawm modular tsim txoj kev xav, coj los ntawm ...Nyeem ntxiv -
KORIG CRANES 40 Tuj Gantry Tire Crane tuaj txog hauv Yemen
Tsis ntev los no, KORIG CRANES ob lub 40Ton railed log tsheb gantry cranes, ua tiav tuaj txog raws Txoj Kev Siv thiab Txoj Kev Tebchaws - Yemen, yuav ua haujlwm hauv United Nations cov phiaj xwm pabcuam zaub mov rau Yemen, Yemen chaw nres nkoj zaub mov thauj khoom thiab ntim ntim ua haujlwm.Lub 40Ton railed log tsheb gantry crane yog ib qho innova ...Nyeem ntxiv -
KORIG CRANES Tshiab Suav Style Choj Crane mus rau hauv lub Hoobkas nto moo tsheb!
Tshiab Suav Style Choj Crane KORIG CRANES ze ua raws lub teb chaws "ob chav carbon" lub hom phiaj, thaum tsim lub teb chaws ntsuab Hoobkas, nrog rau lub hom phiaj ntawm kev tsim cov khoom nrog qis zog noj, muaj zog kev ua tau zoo thiab kev ua haujlwm yooj yim dua, peb siv zog ua pov thawj ...Nyeem ntxiv -
KORIG CRANES 600 tons Tshiab Suav Gantry Crane
KORIG CRANES 600t tshiab Suav-style loj gantry crane tau ua tiav thiab xa tawm ntawm qhov chaw ntawm Yuehe Hydropower Project hauv Guangdong xeev tsis ntev los no.Cov khoom no yog tsim los ntawm nws tus kheej, tsim thiab tsim los ntawm KORIG CRANES, feem ntau yog siv hauv kev ua haujlwm hoisting ntawm offs ...Nyeem ntxiv -
2000tph Grab Ship Unloader Export rau Dubai
4x600MW Clean thee-fired power station yog nyob rau hauv nruab nrab sab hnub tuaj.Raws li tus neeg siv khoom xav tau, 2000tph grab nkoj unloader tsim, tsim thiab sim tag nrho yuav tsum ua raws li European thiab Asmeskas cov qauv, cov khoom siv raw kuj xav tau Asmeskas cov qauv hlau.Thaum tawm mus ...Nyeem ntxiv -
Nkoj mus rau ntug hiav txwv Thawv Gantry Crane (STS)
6sets 50t STS yog tsim los ntawm peb thiab lawv tau sib sau ua ke thiab commissioning ua ntej xa khoom.Shipping los ntawm kev ua tiav.Lub nkoj mus rau ntug hiav txwv thawv crane yog lub thawv tuav crane ntsia ntawm qhov chaw nres nkoj loj rau kev thauj khoom thiab tshem tawm cov nkoj thauj khoom mus rau qhov chaw ...Nyeem ntxiv